
100 Must-Know Classical Chess Games

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100 Must-Know Classical Chess Games – GM Avetik Grigoryan

Size in compressed :7 GB


100 Must-Know Classical Chess Games – GM Avetik Grigoryan

Just 20$
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Size in compressed (RAR) :7 GB

Running Time: over 20 hours

Videos(Up to 92 HD quality)&PGN:

Game 1 Rubinstein A. – Nimzowitsch A. – Can you guess the move Game 2 Alekhine A. – Euwe M. – Strong Knight vs Bad Bishop
Game 3 Petrosian T. – Chistiakov A. – The Monster on e5
Game 4 Andersson U. – Browne W. – The Monster on d5
Game 5 Capablanca J. R. – Treybal K. – The Betrayed Bishop
Game 6 Schlechter C. – John W. – 2 Important Rules of Converting the Advantage
Game 7 Karpov A. – Unzicker W. – Choking Snake
Game 8 Winter W. – Alekhine A. – The Art of Winning Equal Positions
Game 9 Larsen B. – Andersen B. – The Art of Trading the Bishops
Game 10 Rozentalis E. – Appel R. – The Subtle Art of Exchanges in Chess
Game 11 Tartakower S. – Pirc. V. – The Right Strategy in Bishop Endgames
Game 12 Liublinsky V. – Botvinnik M. – A Tip for Saving Strategically Lost Positions
Game 13 Karpov A. – Spassky B. – Karpovs’ Nb1!!
Game 14 Karpov A. – Hansen C. – Again Nb1!!
Game 15 Rubinstein A. – Duras O. – Exchanging the Defender
Game 16 Smyslov V. – Reshevsky S. – Converting The Advantage
Game 17 Kortschnoj V. – Penrose J. – Good Bishops vs Bad Bishops
Game 18 Kasparov G. – Martinovic S. – Strong Plan vs No Plan
Game 19 Spassky B. – Fischer B. – Space Advantage
Game 20 Botvinnik M. – Vidmar M. – Tips on Playing with Isolated Pawn
Game 21 Bisguier A. – Karpov A. – The Secret of Playing Against Isolated Pawn
Game 22 Portish L. – Christiansen L. M. – The Back-Rank Trick
Game 23 Ljubojevic L. – Belkadi R. – Positional Exchange Sacrifice
Game 24 Botvinnik M. – Kholodkevich K. – The Importance of Half-Open Lines
Game 25 Karpov A. – Ribli Z. – Isolating the Opponent’s Pieces
Game 26 Zita F. – Bronstein D. – Tactical Vision
Game 27 Pachman L. – Bronstein – How to Break the Opponent’s Pyramid
Game 28 Smyslov V. – Ernst T. – When You Need Rooks
Game 29 Polugaevsky L. – Ivkov B. – Endgame in Maroczy Bind
Game 30 Andersson U. – Hansen S. – Activating the Last Piece
Game 31 Razuvaev Y. – Honfi K. – The Power of Pass Pawn
Game 32 Winter W. – Capablanca J. R. – Isolating a Piece
Game 33 Andersson U. – Qi Jingxuan – Two Bishop Advantage
Game 34 Petrosian T. – Sax. G. – Two Bishop Advantage
Game 35 Alekhin A. – Rubinstein A. – Neutralazing Opponent’s Attack
Game 36 Reti R. – Yates F. – Finding a Plan
Game 36 Bonus – Grigoryan – Hovhannisyan – The Move of My Life!
Game 37 Johner P. – Nimzowitsch A. – Multifunctional Move
Game 38 Petrosian V. – Bannik A. – Positional Crush
Game 39 Bonus_ Grigoryan A. – Korobkov P. – Copying Ideas from Petrosian’s Games
Game 39 Petrosian T. – Schweber S. – Exchanging the Right Pieces
Game 40 Rubinstein A. – Schlechter C. – Weakening Opponent’s Position
Game 41 Marco G. – Schlechter C. – Preventing Opponent’s Idea
Game 42 Rubinstein A. – Takacs S. – Creating the 2nd Weakness
Game 43 Botvinnik M. – Zagoryansky E. – Exploiting Isolated Pawn
Game 44 Botvinnik M. – Alekhine A. – Dilemma of the Open Lines
Game 45 Karpov A. – Uhlman W. – Open Line or 7th Rank
Game 46 Karpov A. – Kuzmin G. – Never Have an Isolated Pawn Against Karpov!
Game 47 Nimzowitsch A. – Capablanca J. R. – Pressuring with Half Open Lines
Game 48 Fleissig B. – Schelchter C. – Punishing the Opponent’s Mistakes from the Very Beginning
Game 49 Morphy P. – Isouard C. – Punishing the Opponent’s Mistakes from the Very Beginning
Game 50 Lasker E. – Capablanca J. R. – Doubled Pawns Structure
Game 51 Fischer B. – Unzicker W. – The Importance of Knowing Classical Games
Game 52 Andersson U. – Franco O. – What Happens with Passive Players
Game 53 Cohn E. – Rubinstein A. – Classical Pawn Endgame
Game 54 Botvinnik M. – Capablanca J. R. – Neutralizing the Upcoming Attack
Game 55 Gligoric S. – Benko P. – Neutralizing the Upcoming Attack
Game 56 Larsen B. – Spassky B. – Punishing the Opponent’s Bad Play
Game 57 Alekhine A. – Euwe M. – The Use of Knowing Classical Games
Game 58 Rotlewi G. – Rubinstein A. – The TV Concept
Game 59 Petrosian T. – Smyslov V. – A Strong Maneuver with Queen
Game 60 Taimanov M. – Yussupow A. – Hedgehog Attack
Game 61 Fischer B. – Andersson U. – The Origin of Hedgehog Attack
Game 62 Petrosian T. – Beliavsky A. – Space Advantage in Maroczy Bind Structure
Game 63 Fischer B. – Bolbochan J. – Monster Knight on d5 in Attack
Game 64 Boleslavky I. – Lisitsin G. – Monster Knight
Game 65 Taimanov M. – Najdorf M. – Falling in Love with King’s Indian
Game 66 Piket J. – Kasparov G. – King’s Indian Attack
Game 67 Kortschnoj V. – Kasparov G. – King’s Indian Attack
Game 68 Najdorf M. – Gligoric S. – Another Knight’s Maneuver
Game 69 Nimzowitch A. – Capablanca J. R. – Taking the Initiative with Black
Game 70 Stein L. – Petrosian T. – Exploiting Weak Dark Squares
Game 71 Capablanca R. J. – Lilenthal A. – Passive Play is not a Way
Game 72 Capablanca J. R. – Rubinstein A. – A Fight Between the Legends
Game 73 Bobotsov M. – Petrosian T. – Never Play Without a Plan
Game 74 Portisch L. – Kasparov G. – The Fantastic Knight on d6
Game 74 Bonus – The Use of Knowing Classical Games
Game 75 Fischer B. – Spassky B. – Converting a Positional Advantage into an Attack
Game 76 Alekhine A. – Zuckerman B. – Winning Fast
Game 77 Tarrasch S. – Teichmann R. – Bad Bishop
Game 78 Petrosian T. – Liublinsky V. – Torre Attack
Game 79 Petrosian T. – Chukaev E. – Torre Attack
Game 80 Petrosian T. – Mecking H. – Taking Away the Opponent’s All Counter Chances
Game 81 Spassky B. – Petrosian T. – Killing the Torre Attack
Game 82 Steinitz W. – Sellmann A. – Strategic Triumph
Game 83 Gungsberg I. – Chigorin M. – A Great Attack by Chigorin!
Game 84 Chigorin M. – Schiffers E. – Knight Sacrifice
Game 85 Capablanca J. R. – Marshall F. – The g4 Plan in Ruy Lopez
Game 86 Steinitz W. – Chigorin M. – Non-Standard Attack in Ruy Lopez
Game 87 Capablanca J. R. – Janowski D. – Attack in the Queenside
Game 88 Rubinstein A. – Teichman R. – The Immortal Game of A. Rubinstein
Game 89 Alekhine A. – Yates F. – Rubinstein Attack
Game 90 Schlechter K. – Wulff S. – Bh7 The Typical Sacrifice
Game 91 Stein L. – Furman S. – The Typical Nd5 Sacrifice in Sicilian Defense
Game 92 Fischer B. – Cardoso R. – Sozin Attack
Game 93 Marshall F. – Tarrasch S. – Finding Resources in Equal Positions
Game 94 Kann I. – Capablanca J. R. – Instructive Rook Endgame
Game 95 Alekhine A. – Feldt M. – Punishing the Opening Mistake
Game 96 Marshall F. – Capablanca J. R. – Queenside Pawn Majority
Game 97 Yates F. – Alekhine A. – Kingside Pawn Majority
Game 98 Lasker E. – Bauer J. – Two Bishops Sacrifice
Game 99 Nimzowitsch A. – Tarrasch S. – Two Bishops Sacrifice
Game 100 Fischer B. – Ibrahimoglu I. – Exploiting Weak Squares


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