
Understanding Chess Openings: 1. e4 Part 1-2-3

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Understanding Chess Openings: 1. e4 Part 1-2-3 by GM Vladimir Kramnik

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Understanding Chess Openings: 1. e4 Part 1-2-3 by GM Vladimir Kramnik

Only $30
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Size in compressed (RAR) :10 GB

Video running time: about 70 hours

Videos & PGN :

Part 1

Lesson 1: Alekhine & Rare Lines
Lesson 2: Scandinavian
Lesson 3: Pirc
Lesson 4: French 3. Nd2 and Alternatives
Lesson 5: French 3. e5
Lesson 6: French 3. Nc3
Lesson 7: Caro-Kann – Early Alternatives
Lesson 8: Caro-Kann 3. Nd2/3.Nc3
Lesson 9: Caro-Kann 3. e5



Part 2

Lesson 10: 2nd Move Sidelines
Lesson 11: Petroff with 3. d4
Lesson 12: Petroff with 3. Nxe5
Lesson 13: Four Knights
Lesson 14: Scotch
Lesson 15: Italian Sharp Lines
Lesson 16: Italian with c3 and d3
Lesson 17: Spanish, Black’s Early Alternatives
Lesson 18: Spanish, Berlin with 4. d3
Lesson 19: Spanish, Berlin with 4. O-O
Lesson 20: Open Spanish & White’s Early Alternatives
Lesson 21: Spanish 5… b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 and 5… Bc5
Lesson 22: Spanish 5… Be7 – White’s Alternatives
Lesson 23: Spanish Mainline – Systems with …d6
Lesson 24: Spanish Mainline – Marshall Gambit
Lesson 25: Spanish Mainline – Anti-Marshalls
Part 3
Lesson 26: 1.e4 c5 2nd Move Sidelines
Lesson 27: 2.Nc3
Lesson 28: Alapin 2.c3
Lesson 29: 2.Nf3 Sidelines
Lesson 30: 2.Nf3 e6 3rd Move Sidelines
Lesson 31: 2.Nf3 d6 3rd Move Sidelines
Lesson 32: 2…Nc6 3.c3 & 3.Nc3
Lesson 33: 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5
Lesson 34: 2.Nf3 e6 Main lines
Lesson 35: 2.Nf3 e6 – Paulsen
Lesson 36: Rublevsky System (2…e6, 4…Nc6 5.Nc3 a6)
Lesson 37: Taimanov except 6.Be3
Lesson 38: Taimanov with 6.Be3
Lesson 39: 2.Nf3 Nc6 Kalashnikov
Lesson 40: 2.Nf3 Nc6 with 5…e6
Lesson 41: Sveshnikov without 7.Bg5
Lesson 42: Sveshnikov – The Positional 9.Nd5
Lesson 43: Sveshnikov – The Tactical 9.Bxf6
Lesson 44: 2.Nf3 d6 Dragon
Lesson 45: Classical Sicilian – Sozin
Lesson 46: Classical Sicilian – Rauzer
Lesson 47: Najdorf – 6th Move Sidelines
Lesson 48: Najdorf 6.Bd3, 6.g3 & 6.Be2
Lesson 49: Najdorf 6.Bc4 & 6.h3
Lesson 50: Najdorf 6.Bg5
Lesson 51: English Attack 6.Be3 & 6.f3
Lesson 52: Najdorf 6.f3 e5
Bonus: Move Order Quest


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